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Announcement Follows Election Loss

Douglas Ross to Step Down as Leader of Scottish Conservatives

Announcement Follows Election Loss

Ross to Remain in Role Until After Election

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross has announced that he will be stepping down from his position after the upcoming general election on July 4th. Ross made the announcement following the party's disappointing performance in the recent Scottish Parliament election.

"It has been an honor to lead the Scottish Conservatives, and I am proud of what we have achieved," Ross said in a statement. "However, I believe that now is the right time for a new leader to take the party forward."

Ross will remain in his role until after the general election to ensure a smooth transition of leadership. The Scottish Conservative Party will then begin the process of selecting a new leader.

Ross's announcement comes as a surprise to many, as he was only elected leader of the party in 2020. However, the party has faced a number of challenges in recent months, including the loss of several high-profile MSPs and a decline in support in the polls.

Ross's decision to stand in the general election in a seat where the Conservatives are not expected to win has also been met with some criticism. However, Ross has said that he wants to show that the Conservatives are committed to representing all parts of Scotland.
