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Alan Hansen Youll Never Win Anything

Alan Hansen's Infamous "You Can't Win Anything with Kids" Quote

The Backstory

On August 19, 1995, Match of the Day pundit Alan Hansen made a statement that would go down in footballing folklore: "You can't win anything with kids."

The Context

Hansen's comment came in the wake of Manchester United's 3-1 defeat to Aston Villa. United had fielded a young team that day, with several players under the age of 21. Hansen's criticism was that United were relying too heavily on inexperienced players and that they would not be able to challenge for major trophies as a result.

The Aftermath

Hansen's words proved to be prophetic. United failed to win a major trophy that season and finished 13 points behind champions Blackburn Rovers. However, the following season, United won the Premier League title with a team that included several of the young players who had played in the defeat to Villa. Hansen was forced to eat his words and admitted that he had been wrong about the ability of young players.


Alan Hansen's "You can't win anything with kids" quote is a reminder that even the most experienced and respected pundits can sometimes get it wrong. It is also a reminder that young players can often surprise us with their ability and potential. Hansen's words have been proven wrong many times over the years, and they continue to serve as a cautionary tale for anyone who is too quick to write off young players.
